The Marann Tales of Tolari Space Volume 1 Christie Meierz 9781480229792 Books

The Marann Tales of Tolari Space Volume 1 Christie Meierz 9781480229792 Books
I love good romance and I love good science fiction - unfortunately this offering is neither.My main complaints are (1) the premise of the story is absurd - especially as the details emerge; (2) various plot points are brought up and then dropped with no further mention, (3) the pacing of the book is odd where we are shown situations in detail but then we jump months or years ahead seemingly at random with little detail (4) the central mystery at the core of our main character's life is finally revealed, after much pointless waiting and it is done in a very graceless way, (5) the author use odd terms to refer to individuals: i.e.there are repeated instances where spying or clandestine activities are identified as being a "spook"; additionally there is the anachronistic use of words which seems odd considering this book supposedly takes place FAR in the future; and the repeated use of certain adjectives which are awkward at best and useless at worst (6) the subplot of the political intrigue is flimsy and exists for a period of time that is so long as to be ridiculous.
-- these examples made it difficult for me to suspend my disbelief and kept pulling me out of the story as I wrinkled my brow in confusion.
For me, the book was a failure at all levels and I am unwilling to recommend it.

Tags : The Marann: Tales of Tolari Space (Volume 1) [Christie Meierz] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.,Christie Meierz,The Marann: Tales of Tolari Space (Volume 1),CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1480229792,FICTION Science Fiction General,Fiction,Fiction - Science Fiction,Fiction Science Fiction Space Opera,Fiction : Science Fiction - Space Opera,FictionRomance - Science Fiction,FictionScience Fiction - Space Opera,Romance - Science Fiction,Science Fiction,Science Fiction - General,Science Fiction - Space Opera,Space opera,FICTION Romance Science Fiction
The Marann Tales of Tolari Space Volume 1 Christie Meierz 9781480229792 Books Reviews
Loved everything. Heartfelt. The pacing was so great I didn’t even realize I was nearing the end. I’m looking forward to the next in the series.
As a lover of romance and Sc-Fi Ms Meierz has created an alien world and culture few authors take the time to do. I won't give a synopsis since other reviewers have. I had read Into Tolari Space, the free introduction to the series and enjoyed it. Quite a bit of the Tolari culture was introduced in it.
Only one thing was missing, not the lack of sex scenes. They would not have added to the story at all. Rather not knowing how Marianne spent her off time from tutoring Kyra. Personally, I would have gone or gotten mad having nothing to do for over eight years than walk in the garden or read. A little more insight into activities she occupied herself with would have filled in that gap and possibly shown the developing relationship in a stronger manner. The result is 4 1/2 stars from me.
I will be purchasing the next book in the series and am looking forward to it.
Ok, if you like books where the H and h start out knowing they'll be together pretty much from the beginning or two people fighting sexual attraction, this book is not for you! There is a lot of world building and story telling before they get together, which I did like. I do have a few spoilers listed below, so if you don't want to know, please don't read!
What I liked
It was an interesting new world that the author built very well.
I liked both the H and the h
The author made me care and learn about the sub characters. It wasn't all about the H and h. I liked the other characters and knew who they were (how many books have 6 new people introduced over 2 pages and you end having no idea who they heck the author is talking about?!?)
The story line was interesting and not predicatble (is there something different about these people and, if so, what?)
What I didn't like (spoiler)
The fact the H was in love with the h the whole time and never spoke up or said anything. That was a little confusing to me. However, I did find it easy to overlook since there was so much world building and character introduction going on.
All in all, a good book that I will be keeping to read again.
The Tolari stories are the best of what science fiction can offer. Rich in the culture of these unique aliens with a wonderful love story. The characters are well drawn, the stories are interesting and unpredictable and they left me wanting to know more about these people.
Great world building and characters you want to follow in the series. Intrigue and romance. Ordering the next in series immediately to see what happened next!
Very good reading, reminded me of "the king and I". Looking forward to reading another chapter.
Liked how the tech remained secondary to the story, any not getting deep into trying to explain origins of the "natives".
I absolutely loved how this story is written. Marianne is fantastic character that is realistic, has phenomenal depth and is easily relatable. She's semi forced away from her meager life to teach an 'alien' child languages which she's adept at. Her world is turned upside down by a debilitating past and new experiences. The story is rich and gives care and time for the characters to grow while allowing the reader to exist in their lives. Beautifully written and I love that relationships percolate rather than being rushed.
I love good romance and I love good science fiction - unfortunately this offering is neither.
My main complaints are (1) the premise of the story is absurd - especially as the details emerge; (2) various plot points are brought up and then dropped with no further mention, (3) the pacing of the book is odd where we are shown situations in detail but then we jump months or years ahead seemingly at random with little detail (4) the central mystery at the core of our main character's life is finally revealed, after much pointless waiting and it is done in a very graceless way, (5) the author use odd terms to refer to individuals i.e.there are repeated instances where spying or clandestine activities are identified as being a "spook"; additionally there is the anachronistic use of words which seems odd considering this book supposedly takes place FAR in the future; and the repeated use of certain adjectives which are awkward at best and useless at worst (6) the subplot of the political intrigue is flimsy and exists for a period of time that is so long as to be ridiculous.
-- these examples made it difficult for me to suspend my disbelief and kept pulling me out of the story as I wrinkled my brow in confusion.
For me, the book was a failure at all levels and I am unwilling to recommend it.

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