Firebirds Rising An Original Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy Sharyn November 9780142405499 Books

Firebirds Rising An Original Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy Sharyn November 9780142405499 Books
Almost every story in this book was terrific. Most of the authors were new to me, most werewomen, and of those authors with whom I was familiar, several are among my favorites (Emma Bull, Sharon Shin). The short biographical information about each author and personal statement has sent me searching through Amazon to find other works. "Firebird" is "an imprint of Penguin" that publishes work from an amazing group of authors from whom these stories were drawn. There is also an earlier "Firebird" anthology which I've ordered and can't wait to read. I was afraid it might be too "young adult", but all of these stories
reward a mature reader.
Other authors with stories in this original anthology include Tamora Pierce, Alison Goodman, Charles de Lint, Diana Winne Jones, Ellen Klages, Kelly Link, Patricia McKillip, Carol Emshwiller, Francesca Lia Block, Kara Dalkey, Alan Dean Foster, Tanish Lee, and Pamela Dean.
Even at more than 500 pages it's a fairly quick read that I wanted never to end.

Tags : Firebirds Rising: An Original Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy [Sharyn November] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A sequel to the anthology, <IT>Firebirds, <RO>provides young adults with a collection of fantastical tales from an array of celebrated authors,Sharyn November,Firebirds Rising: An Original Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy,Firebird,0142405493,VI-0142405493,Fantasy - General,Science General,Fantasy fiction, American.,Fantasy fiction, English.,Science fiction, American.,Anthologies,Children's 12-Up - Fiction - Science Fiction,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fantasy fiction, American,Fantasy fiction, English,Juvenile Fiction Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Fiction Short Stories,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Magic,Science fiction, American,Short Stories,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Young Adult Fiction Fantasy General,Young Adult Fiction Science Fiction General
Firebirds Rising An Original Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy Sharyn November 9780142405499 Books Reviews
Firebirds Rising is an engaging mix of SF and Fantasy stories aimed at a young adult audience, though quite enjoyable for adults as well.
Two of my favorites are Science Fiction Carol Emshwiller's "Quill", an oddly old-fashioned, charming yet sad, story of an isolated family and their curious secret; and Kara Dalkey's "Hives", an uncompromising story of teen-aged girls and cliques, exacerbated by near-telepathic phone connections.
Naturally one of the stories I most looked forward to was Kelly Link's "The Wizards of Perfil", and this is indeed a very enjoyable piece, though not as good as her best work. A boy named Onion and his disagreeable cousin Halsa, as well as Halsa's mother and brothers, are fleeing a war that has already their other parents' lives. Money is short, so when a reprensative of the reclusive Wizards of Perfil offers to buy a child, one of them must go. Onion, who may be telepathic, seems a natural candidate to sell to the representative of the reclusive wizards, but somehow Halsa is sold instead. As we expect with Link, the story goes in unexpected directions, telling of both Onion and Halsa and the very reclusive wizards - though I must say the resolution was exactly what I expected. (Which is not necessarily a bad thing.)
I was also delighted to see a story by Emma Bull, with the intriguing title "What Used to Be Good Still Is" (a title actually credited to Elise Matthesen). This is a moving story of a young man in a mining town in Arizona in the 1930s, and his love for a Mexican-American girl, who loves him but loves something else even more.
Patricia A. McKillip contributes another of her stories about a group of painters resembling the Pre-Raphaelites. "Jack O'Lantern" is about a girl struggling with her parents' conventional views of the role of women, particularly upper class women, as her older sister prepares to be married. During the painting of a wedding party portrait she meets a curious local lad, and hears a story about the Jack O'Lantern. Diana Wynne Jones's "I'll Give You My Word" is as clever as we expect from her, about a boy whose younger brother speaks in phrases like "sententious purple coriander". The story concerns the younger boy's trouble at school, and the problems the whole family encounters when the mother takes a book promotion trip. Ellen Klages's "In the House of the Seven Librarians" is purely charming, about a child growing up in a shuttered old-fashioned library.
And there are plenty further fine stories here, from names I expected to see like Charles de Lint and Tamora Pierce, and from perhaps surprising names like Alan Dean Foster. I enjoyed the anthology throughout. If I had a complaint, it would be that perhaps a few too many stories seem to play things just a bit safe. (With exceptions, such as Dalkey's "Hives" and Francesca Lia Block's "Blood Roses".) I would attribute that to the YA nature of the book - I suspect I should, indeed - but we certainly have plenty of examples of YA fiction that doesn't play safe. That said, this is a fine book, and it does a fine job of presenting interesting new stories, both SF and Fantasy, that will appeal to all readers.
got the book quickly and promptly. The book is a mix of short stories. Didn't realize that when I bought the book.
I wanted to read some fantasy, some high IQ stuff, some thought-provoking short stories I could read on the DART getting to work. Well, after reading all of these stories, I'm convinced that writers do not submit their prize stories for anthologies. They submit their scraps. That's craps with an extra S. I'm dissapointed. Maybe my expectations were too high. Perhaps if I lower my expectations to what one might expect if judging a suburban high school writing, I'm still dissappointed. The people who put this together owe me $10 just for reading through it. If you read this then you should demand compensation. I am not better off after reading this book. Maybe I didn't do enough shrooms before reading it. -(
Firebird books are my favorites; whenever I run out of books, I look at the authors in the latest Firebirds anthology (or their website) and get some of their books. Firebird anthologies are the best sources of fantasy. Good stuff.
Excellent *^_^*
I liked half of this book, to be honest I didn't read the whole thing. I am a huge science fiction fan and this book has both science fiction and fantasy stories. I don't really like fantasy all that much so I did not enjoy some of the fantasy stories, but that is my preference. Overall, this book is a good read and I would recommend it to any science fiction or fantasy fan. It is a good compilation of great authors. All of the science fiction stories from the book that I read drew me in from the first or second page and by the end of the story I was left wanting more. I would definitely consider buying books from the authors featured in the book. This book is a great buy for any science fiction or fantasy fan looking for a new fix when they run out of books to read.
Almost every story in this book was terrific. Most of the authors were new to me, most were
women, and of those authors with whom I was familiar, several are among my favorites (Emma Bull, Sharon Shin). The short biographical information about each author and personal statement has sent me searching through to find other works. "Firebird" is "an imprint of Penguin" that publishes work from an amazing group of authors from whom these stories were drawn. There is also an earlier "Firebird" anthology which I've ordered and can't wait to read. I was afraid it might be too "young adult", but all of these stories
reward a mature reader.
Other authors with stories in this original anthology include Tamora Pierce, Alison Goodman, Charles de Lint, Diana Winne Jones, Ellen Klages, Kelly Link, Patricia McKillip, Carol Emshwiller, Francesca Lia Block, Kara Dalkey, Alan Dean Foster, Tanish Lee, and Pamela Dean.
Even at more than 500 pages it's a fairly quick read that I wanted never to end.

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