No Pink Caddy ACE Book 1 edition by Layne Harper Romance eBooks

No Pink Caddy ACE Book 1 edition by Layne Harper Romance eBooks
There are so many fantastic things about this book that I love.First - the city. NOLA is as much a part of this story as MK and Aaron. The descriptions and pictures Layne Harper draws for us with her words are amazing. You feel like you're in the story - in the city, walking down the sidewalks, seeing the people, eating the food. Perfection!
Second - the characters. MK. I love her! She was headstrong, knew what she wanted, and wanted to work to get it. She was passionate, loyal, loving. MK is at a turning point in her life - she's out of her 20's, her friends are getting married and having babies, she wants more out of her current life.
Aaron. MK meets Aaron in her neighborhood bar. He's mysterious and gorgeous. After a small mishap in the bar, Aaron pursues MK. Here's what I love about Aaron. He's flawed! He doesn't know how to be a "normal" adult in a relationship after being a rock star for a lot of his life. Because of this, he has his ups and downs.
Third - the writing. Layne Harper is hands-down one of my favorite authors. Her writing is perfection. It pulls you in and you become completely immersed in the story. You experience each emotion, feeling, taste, visual, and smell as if you're there with them.
I liked that there was more to MK and Aaron than just a 30-something girl and a pompous rock star. The dialog between them was great - I enjoy reading a book where I can imagine or hear the characters talking and it sounds like real people.
Also, Layne Harper did something awesome. Visit and experience the site and NOLA as MK did. I LOVE this!!
Can't wait till book 2. Also, if Layne Harper is a new author for you, I MUST recommend her Infinity Series. Fantastic books.

Tags : No Pink Caddy (ACE Book 1) - Kindle edition by Layne Harper. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Layne Harper,No Pink Caddy (ACE Book 1),Layne Harper,Fiction Romance Multicultural & Interracial,Fiction Romance Romantic Comedy
No Pink Caddy ACE Book 1 edition by Layne Harper Romance eBooks Reviews
There are times like this that I wish I were better at writing book reviews! This is the first book I've read by Layne Harper. I think I've found a new favorite author.
This book has the perfect mix of romance, humor and angst. I'll admit that I am a sucker for a good Rock Star scenario but this story was so much more.
MK is feeling a little out of sorts since she has just turned 30 and is not in a serious relationship/married and has no children. She's very comfortable in her own skin and extremely talented in many ways. She has her own blog on the Internet and has become quite famous in her own New Orleans town. She's very quick thinking and often says, does and thinks the things that we all wish we could say and do.
Aaron/Johnny has been a famous Rock Star (God) for the past 20 years. He happens upon MK's blog site and decides that he needs to meet her. He's swoon- worthy, HOT and quite the romantic. ( looks like Kellan Kyle/ romantic like Ryan Christensen)
You'll have to read this book to find out what happens next. I'll just say.. If books could have babies--- this book is the baby of a ménage between Thoughtless (minus annoying Kiera) , The Mighty Storm and Love Unscripted.
This I think it honestly blew my mind. I read it in about 4 hours, give or take. I could not put it down. Be warned the word "love" will get used a lot in this review. #SorryNotSorry
MK Landry runs her blog, called No Pink Caddy, as a play on her name. Its cooking, mixed with vintage finds, restoration, and her musings on life. I don't think "love" is a strong enough word for how I felt about MK. I thought the author made so many smart decisions with her characters in this book, but especially MK.
One of the major things I really adored about the characters in this story was that their ages made sense. I know that sounds a little silly, but hear me out. MK is 30 and when she meets rockstar, Johnny Knite, real name Aaron Emerson; he is 38 years old. I think this decision was crucial to the story because we see MK and Aaron go through a lot together. Now yes, some of it is past baggage, but its also about having the life experience of past failures, and the courage to make the right decision for yourself.
Aaron is an addict. There is no way around it. He was addicted to whiskey and cocaine in the past, and he has a bit of an addict's personality. I thought the author captured that really well in her writing, and I also thought she captured MK's response to it. MK isn't used to being around a former addict.
MK's reaction to Aaron reminded me a bit of that episode in "Sex and the City" where Carrie dates the former alcohol addict. At first, everything seems normal but then when she steps back, Carrie realized that she was just his addiction now. MK doesn't experience that, but the thought crosses her mind. We also see MK meet Aaron's daughter, sister, and bandmates. His sister, Grace, basically tells MK that she is just another one of Aaron's messes and is pretty cruel to MK.
It was hard to see the characters experience that, but at the same time, I felt it made sense and I think that MK needed to see these things. She has her own successful blog, but she hasn't ever been in love. She doesn't know what real love is. She knows she wants someone that she feels chemistry with, but until Aaron, she's never felt that before.
Unfortunately with love, sometimes you have to do what is best for the other person, even if its not the best thing for you. This book is only the first in the ACE series, but it does not end on a cliffhanger at all. So the happy news is that MK and Aaron's story isn't anywhere close to being over (thank goodness!). I would recommend this book to anyone, everyone, whoever. It was fantastic. I am beyond happy that I one-clicked this!
There are so many fantastic things about this book that I love.
First - the city. NOLA is as much a part of this story as MK and Aaron. The descriptions and pictures Layne Harper draws for us with her words are amazing. You feel like you're in the story - in the city, walking down the sidewalks, seeing the people, eating the food. Perfection!
Second - the characters. MK. I love her! She was headstrong, knew what she wanted, and wanted to work to get it. She was passionate, loyal, loving. MK is at a turning point in her life - she's out of her 20's, her friends are getting married and having babies, she wants more out of her current life.
Aaron. MK meets Aaron in her neighborhood bar. He's mysterious and gorgeous. After a small mishap in the bar, Aaron pursues MK. Here's what I love about Aaron. He's flawed! He doesn't know how to be a "normal" adult in a relationship after being a rock star for a lot of his life. Because of this, he has his ups and downs.
Third - the writing. Layne Harper is hands-down one of my favorite authors. Her writing is perfection. It pulls you in and you become completely immersed in the story. You experience each emotion, feeling, taste, visual, and smell as if you're there with them.
I liked that there was more to MK and Aaron than just a 30-something girl and a pompous rock star. The dialog between them was great - I enjoy reading a book where I can imagine or hear the characters talking and it sounds like real people.
Also, Layne Harper did something awesome. Visit http// and experience the site and NOLA as MK did. I LOVE this!!
Can't wait till book 2. Also, if Layne Harper is a new author for you, I MUST recommend her Infinity Series. Fantastic books.

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