Uninvited Sophie Jordan Books

Uninvited Sophie Jordan Books
Uninvited was quite interesting at the beginning. It starts off with a society that is starting to become obsessed with this so called "kill gene" that even the government is joining in the campaign against all the carriers of the gene, no matter who you are or how young you are. It's a society on the verge of becoming dystopian. And that's where Davy story begins. Even though, she's aware of HTS, Davy doesn't really pay attention to it because her life is perfect at the moment, but once she becomes part of the oppressed HTS carriers, everything changes, and for the worse. She starts to have doubts about herself and others and doesn't trust or want help from anybody, including from her family (Throughout the book, it seemed that sometimes she had difficulty standing up against wrongdoings and choosing to do what was right). However, that's where the SF aspect of the story kind of ends because once she meets Sean (I have to admit, he sounds very cute :) it becomes more of a romance story. Yes, her adventure continues as she's taken into a camp to become a train assassin or something like that, but after that, the story just seemed to move too fast. We really don't see more of what's going on outside of the camp regarding the gene or of creepy Dr. Wainwright, we just hear about them through short written reports between the chapters. Also, as Davy starts to finally overcome her negative feelings towards herself and for other carriers, and to realize that not all the carriers are evil as the society is making them to be, and the story becomes more mysterious, bam... it ends..... ahhhhhh... I hope in the second book we see more of the society in which Davy lives in, and if all the hype against the so-called HTS gene is really true....*Loved Davy's friendship with Gil. :)
*high pg-13 level

Tags : Amazon.com: Uninvited (9780062233653): Sophie Jordan: Books,Sophie Jordan,Uninvited,HarperTeen,0062233653,Action & Adventure - General,Romance - General,Science Fiction - General,Genetics,Genetics;Fiction.,Murder,Psychopaths,Psychopaths;Fiction.,Science fiction,Science fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fiction,Fiction-Science Fiction,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Love & Romance,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),Science fiction (Children's Teenage),TEEN'S FICTION - ACTION & ADVENTURE,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,TEEN'S FICTION SCIENCE FICTION,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Young Adult Fiction Action & Adventure General,Young Adult Fiction Romance General,Young Adult Fiction Science Fiction General,Young Adult FictionAction & Adventure - General,Young Adult FictionRomance - General,Love & Romance,Young Adult Fiction Action & Adventure General,Young Adult Fiction Romance General,Young Adult Fiction Science Fiction General,Young Adult FictionAction & Adventure - General,Young Adult FictionRomance - General,Fiction,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Science fiction (Children's Teenage)
Uninvited Sophie Jordan Books Reviews
I finished this book last night and I'm still not 100% sure of how I felt about it. I know that, for the most part, I was not all that impressed by it. It had an interesting premise, but I feel that it was not executed properly. It had a few likable characters, but there were more unlikable ones.
First of all, you have Davy who is the greatest thing since sliced bread. She's perfect at everything, except she has a little trouble getting an A in a college level course. She's already been accepted Julliard because of her amazingness. She's got the greatest best friend in the world, who has jealousy issues when it comes to the other greatest person she has in her life her boyfriend. Aside from music, he is her entire world. He is her biggest hobby. And what does her biggest hobby want to do? That's right. He wants "the sex" from her. Davy also has an amazing family, where she is the favorite child because she's super-special and not a free-thinking slacker like her brother. All of this changes when she becomes uninvited from her prestigious private school and picks up what is basically a probation officer because she's got Homicidal Tendency Syndrome (or HTS), which puts her at a greater risk to kill than most people. When this is discovered, she becomes a pariah. She is forced to go to (gasp) public school and is forced into a specific class for other HTS carriers.
She learns quickly that anything bad that happens to her is automatically her fault because she's an HTS character. Get beaten up? It's your DNA. Get raped? Your DNA. If a vigilante kills you for having the HTS gene, then they are the hero and you're the monster. Sorry, that's just how it is. And, while this is horribly unfair and unjust and should never happen, the way that she whines about it makes her rather hard to feel any empathy toward, but somehow I managed to do so. Her perfection, arrogance, and lack of regard for how much of a hypocrite she is was grating.
The science and math issues are the next problem. Okay, if a person has a gene that puts them at risk for a behavioral problem, then it generally does just that puts them at risk. A person can have a genetic predisposition toward being mentally ill or have a personality disorder, but actually ending up with it will still depend on a lot of factors, including the environment that they grow up in and the one they are in around the time of their diagnosis. Stress can impact it. Trauma can impact it. You can definitely bet that torturing and branding (both apply to the imprinting process) can bring it on. And putting a person in a modern-day concentration camp? Yeah, that will bring it out. So the violent acts that HTS patients partake in after diagnosis can be explained by the oppressive measures used in the society that they are in.
Before each chapter, there's a press release or transcript or chart of statistics related to HTS and their carriers. This would be cool except that, in the case of the ones that explain HTS or its prevalence, the science that is used and the statistics that are used are inconclusive. Based on what was presented, Wainwright's conclusions about HTS patients being a threat to humanity make the claims by Andrew Wakefield and Jenny McCarthy about MMR and Autism look like actual science. It's crack science. It compared numbers of homicides committed in general to ones committed by HTS carriers, just gives the HTS carries' rate amongst the overall homicide rate. It doesn't show how many HTS carriers actually commit crimes, how often it happens, what they consider to be an actual homicide, what the HTS carriers may have endured growing up, or how being dehumanized may have contributed to the later criminal behavior. It does not seem to be a study that could be reproduced or that was truly peer reviewed.
There's another problem. Though it isn't addressed in the book, I had to assume that this was an alternate universe version of Earth. The setting was within the next 10 years. There is no way that a freshly published study published today could gain such a stronghold in society to the point that they are willing to force Holocaust-like conditions upon undesirable citizens in less than ten years time. And that's when the study would need to be published, right now. And it would have taken years to do the research, devise the study, propose it so that you can fund the study, perform the actual study, then come up with the conclusion, and finally find a publication that would accept it. Science isn't really a think about it and it's so kind of field. Even when breakthroughs are made, they are often dismissed by many within the field unless there is irrefutable proof to uphold the breakthrough. For example, the Wakefield thing that I brought up, which was falsified, was dismissed by most legitimate scientists because there had already been research that showed the safety and efficacy of immunizations. Likewise, there have been multitudes of studies into why people commit crimes and what goes on within the mind of a murderer. The only explanation I could think of to even justify this kind of world that she is suggesting is that it is an alternate universe where there is some level of already published research that would back up Wainwright's findings.
It had one of my biggest literary pet peeves gratuitous sexual assault or threats of sexual assault scenes. Not one or two. Nope, I counted at least six of them. This is a book for young adults, which generally means that it's meant for teenagers. I don't like when adult books go for pointless threats and acts of sexual assault. I really do not like it in young adult books. If it would have advanced the plot, then its inclusion would be okay, but none of the cases advanced the plot. Meanwhile, it also taught that sex was something to be avoided, that women are weak, and that women need protecting. The underlying misogyny and slut-shaming was problematic, but not as much as the punishment that Davy received as a result of turning down an instance of "you should be glad I am still willing to have sex with you even though you've got this condition" sex. (Yes, this is one of the threats of sexual assault as it is an attempt to coerce an unwilling victim into sex by emotional abusing her.)
Aside from those issues, which were enough to make me feel quite antagonistic towards the book, I found the actual story to be on the boring side. It was not as developed as it should have been. I will probably read the sequel when it is published, but I will not be going in expecting anything good to come out of it.
I was not expecting to like Uninvited as much as I did! I’ve read Sophie Jordan’s Firelight series and Reign of Shadows, and enjoyed them, so gave this one a shot.
The premise is very disturbing; scientists have discovered a gene that identifies a person could possibly be or become a killer. So the government, in all its vast wisdom, decides to take care of the problem by singling out carriers of this gene. They basically have to be registered as a carrier and are somewhat segregated from the public. In the school situation, the carriers are stashed away from the “normal” students to keep them safe. Any carriers who are witnessed being violent in any way are basically branded with a huge neck tattoo, letting the world know exactly how dangerous they are. They’re ostracized, segregated and demeaned because of something they may possibly do at some point in their life. Such a scary thought.
Davy, the MC, is a normal girl with a pretty great life. Her family seems well-to-do, she lives in a really nice neighborhood…not that those are requirements for a great life or that having all of that means your life is automatically great. But hers really is. She has a family who love and support her, she has dreams and goals that she has a real possibility of achieving, and a seemingly awesome bestie and boyfriend.
All of that crumbles around her when she finds out she tested positive for the HTS gene. And the story gets to that point pretty quick. From there, it all seems to go downhill for Davy. In her mind, her life is over and will never be the same. And she’s right, in a sense. All of her dreams are smashed. She can’t stay in the academy she’s been attending for much of her school career, she won’t be going to university. Now, she has to attend public school, in what is basically a caged room in the basement, along with the rest of the carriers.
She meets those other carriers, who she’s initially terrified of, but soon learns you don’t need to have specific DNA or an inked band around your neck to be a horrible human being. Free will is a glorious thing. You can choose who you want to be. I won’t go into the story more than that, but it’s a really good read.
I’ll leave you with two words Sean O’Rourke )
Uninvited was quite interesting at the beginning. It starts off with a society that is starting to become obsessed with this so called "kill gene" that even the government is joining in the campaign against all the carriers of the gene, no matter who you are or how young you are. It's a society on the verge of becoming dystopian. And that's where Davy story begins. Even though, she's aware of HTS, Davy doesn't really pay attention to it because her life is perfect at the moment, but once she becomes part of the oppressed HTS carriers, everything changes, and for the worse. She starts to have doubts about herself and others and doesn't trust or want help from anybody, including from her family (Throughout the book, it seemed that sometimes she had difficulty standing up against wrongdoings and choosing to do what was right). However, that's where the SF aspect of the story kind of ends because once she meets Sean (I have to admit, he sounds very cute ) it becomes more of a romance story. Yes, her adventure continues as she's taken into a camp to become a train assassin or something like that, but after that, the story just seemed to move too fast. We really don't see more of what's going on outside of the camp regarding the gene or of creepy Dr. Wainwright, we just hear about them through short written reports between the chapters. Also, as Davy starts to finally overcome her negative feelings towards herself and for other carriers, and to realize that not all the carriers are evil as the society is making them to be, and the story becomes more mysterious, bam... it ends..... ahhhhhh... I hope in the second book we see more of the society in which Davy lives in, and if all the hype against the so-called HTS gene is really true....
*Loved Davy's friendship with Gil. )
*high pg-13 level

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